Social program

The social aspect is one of the priority axes of the strategy implemented by the Delegate Minister in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad for the benefit of the Moroccan community established abroad. It particularly aims to support MRAs in situations deprived and the defense of their rights and interests as well in their host countries as in their country of origin, and this through the execution of several programs aiming particularly:
– Strengthening support for MRAs in vulnerable situations, in particular the elderly and prisoners, whose condition requires continuous and adequate social and legal support;
– Social assistance dedicated to Moroccans of Retour Subi;
– Support for the education of MRA children from needy families;
– The granting of university scholarships to MRA students pursuing their university studies in the host countries.

As part of the accompaniment and support of vulnerable categories in the host countries (the elderly and prisoners), the ministry has set up a partnership framework with MRA associations working in the social field.
The operating mode consists in launching, in consultation with diplomatic representations and consular posts of the Kingdom abroad, a call for projects intended for associative actors, project leaders targeting the satisfaction of expectations, and needs of categories of MRA in situation of precariousness.

In consultation with the departments and authorities concerned, the Ministry takes care to take all the measures necessary to meet the urgent needs and expectations of the MRAs of Return Submissive to their country of origin. ). In order to assist them and facilitate their evacuation and social reintegration in Morocco, numerous measures and actions have been taken to facilitate:

– The establishment of administrative documents;
– Access to emergency medical care by obtaining, exceptionally, the RAMED card on the basis of the beneficiary’s place of attachment;
– The school integration in the public education institutions of the children of the MRAs of Retour Subi in Morocco;
– Orientation of young graduates and projects holders;
– The acceleration of the processing of equivalence files for university degrees and driving licenses in order to strengthen the opportunities for professional reintegration;
– Enrollment in qualifying training cycles for all young forced return MRAs, within the framework of the agreement concluded between the Ministry and the Office of Vocational Training and Labor Promotion.

The Ministry organizes, annually, in collaboration with diplomatic representations and consular posts of the Kingdom, in Ivory Coast, Algeria and Tunisia, a program to support the education of MRA children from poor Moroccan families.
Upon receipt of the files that meet the required conditions, the amount of financial support dedicated to each family is delegated within the limits of the credits reserved for the operation.

Within the framework of the execution of the partnership agreement concluded, dated March 19, 2010, between the Ministry of National Education, Professional Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Delegate Minister in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad, 1,000 Scholarships are awarded annually to MRA students from destitute families and continuing their studies in host countries in different cycles: license, Master and Doctorate.